C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

C# IStructuralEquatable nedir Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım

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comparer IEqualityComparer An object that determines whether the current instance and other are equal.

In this case you don't want to change your class implementation so you don't wantoverride the Equals method. this will define a general way to compare objects in your application.

The following example creates two identical 3-tuple objects whose components consist of three Double values. The value of the second component is Double.NaN. The example then calls the Tuple.Equals method, and it calls the IStructuralEquatable.Equals method three times. The first time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the EqualityComparer.

Equals and object.ReferenceEquals. Equals is meant to be overridden for whatever sort of comparison makes the most sense for a given type, whereas ReferenceEquals güç't be overridden and always compares by reference.

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The IStructuralEquatable interface enables you to implement customized comparisons to check for the structural equality of collection objects.

After some more testing I found that any two arrays with the same first element have the same hash. I still think this is strange behavior.

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Başka bir ifadeyle, kendi yapısal muadele tanılamamınızı oluşturabilir ve bu tanılamamın arabirimi kabul IStructuralEquatable eden bir koleksiyon türüyle kullanılacağını belirtebilirsiniz. Arabirimin iki üyesi vardır: Equals, belirtilen IEqualityComparer bir uygulamayı kullanarak eşitliği test eder ve GetHashCodeeşit olan nesneler karınin aynı kompozit kodları döndürür.

In Xamarin.Essentials we use the C# struct all over the place to encapsulate "small groups of related variables" for our event handlers. They are groups of data that don't need to be created by the developers consuming the veri and are only really used for reading the veri.

Each of your objects should use a hashcode based on the contents of the object. If you have C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor a value type containing 3 ints, use those when computing the hash code. Like this, all objects with identical content will have the same hash code, independent of app domain and other circumstances.

IStructuralEquatable is used with arrays to determine whether the arrays are structurally equal. The StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals method is used for this purpose.

Here the comparison is different for value type arrays and custom arrays. In .Kupkuru 4.0 int, string will internally implement IEquatable for custom types we have to externally implement the IEquatable.

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